It’s been a long 18 months or so, a time during which many folks rarely left the confines of their own four walls. Now however, folks are starting to venture out, with friends, to meet for a coffee and enjoy the opportunity to socialize with others again. Seniors in particular have waited a long time for this and these same seniors are both brand loyal and have the money and time to spend slowly sipping and savouring their daily dose of java. Even better for many chain restaurants and independent café’s, seniors aren’t interested in prime time visits – they’re looking to enjoy a friendly conversation without the interruption of those on their way to work or the lunchtime rush. What are you doing to attract mature 50+ adults to your restaurant, diner or coffee house? At Amintro, we think it’s time you gave that some serious thought.
You have a resounding opportunity to corner the market as we emerge from this pandemic, if you tailor your product to your consumer. Running a massive, multi-national food chain that caters to families you might think seniors aren’t important to your marketing budget but we’ve got news for you – grandparents love treating the grandkids to nuggets, ice cream or donuts and chances are, they need the jolt of java to keep them going while they do so! They probably don’t want “kid’s” food either so what’s on your menu that appeals to seniors? If they are coming alone or with friends instead, chances are keeping a great cup of coffee on your menu, or perhaps even offering a seniors discount will have them coming back again and again. What about starting your breakfast special AFTER the busy morning rush? Corner the mature adult market in the morning and they’ll bring the grandchildren back after school for a treat!
As we’ve already established, seniors are a brand loyal bunch. They are also diners who are looking for a sense of familiarity. It’s important that whether they are meeting a friend across town or across the country, that their favourite restaurant, coffee chain or café looks and feels the same. The consistency of your brand, the taste of your food and beverages and the safety of knowing that they can rely on your service are what keeps diners 50+ or more coming back. That’s why we suggest restaurant chains have a true opportunity with the senior sipper to create an “experience” specifically geared to their needs. With time during the day and money to spend, the senior diner is an opportunity to fill seats in your restaurant, café or diner that might otherwise be empty during the “between” meal hours.
Across North America there are a wide variety of well-known brands offering great coffee, or delicious dining experiences. Whether you offer food with an Italian theme, “Grab and Gab” sandwich style meals, traditional ethnic delicacies or coffees ranging from “regular” and “black” to fancy and foam-topped, the mature adult, who no longer answers to a work schedule, appreciates the freedom to sip, savour and dine after the breakfast rush, or before busy families get home from work and head out the door to dinner.
Why mess with success when something is tried and true? We’re not suggesting you do! What we are suggesting is that you add to your market saturation by making your restaurant chain or coffee outlet accessible to the senior diner. Make your facilities a favourite by offering unique programs like smaller portioned senior’s meals because we know that for many, appetites decrease as we age. Senior’s discounts and brand loyalty cards that guarantee a free coffee or free dessert is always popular. In other words, make sure the senior sipper/diner is a key component of your overall marketing platform.
Amintro is a friend-making platform that caters to 50+ mature adults. We often suggest our clients first meet in a public place for peace of mind, comfort and safety. Frankly, we think this means that coffee and restaurant chains that are well-known brands and are consistent in both look and feel across towns and cities, should embrace this silver tsunami. Not only will they dominate market share now, but the trend looks to continue through 2030 when better than 61 million members of the general population are predicted to be over the age of 66. Capitalizing on this as a “marketing to the mature adult” opportunity just makes good business sense.
Amintro caters to the mature consumer. We offer a variety of services that connect older adults with others from their own community and from around the world. Providing helpful tips and tools, articles on travel and lifestyle, health and fitness, and getting the most out of life at any age is just part of what we do. We also facilitate friendships. Like-minded seniors meet or are connected on the Amintro app, and friendships blossom. Those friends need a safe place to meet in person and chat over a coffee. You could be a part of that connection by partnering with Amintro to build brand loyalty by advertising on our exclusive Amintro platform. You might also choose to host an information session or present an interesting Zoom live discussion on the merits of coffee as a health benefit or the important role dining out with friends plays in many cultures. We have a guaranteed audience of users who actively search out our website for information of value to seniors and your business will benefit from being a part of our select marketing and advertising opportunities.
Whether it’s actually a cup of coffee that’s the destination, or folks are meeting up with friends on the patio for a great meal, help brand your establishment as the destination of choice for those aged 50+ by capturing the market where they already are. A morning coffee on a lovely fall day might be just what Amintro members need. Smart restaurants will know to cater to older adults who have the disposable income and the time available to sip and savour while out. Make Amintro a part of your overall marketing design – ask us how today!