Time, money and attention. Mature adults often have plenty of each and are looking for ways to enjoy their senior years in the company of a “friend” who offers unconditional love and a faithful companion to accompany them as they go about their day. Pet parenthood, as recent pandemic statistics tell us, is on the rise but it isn’t just families who are looking to add a companion – it’s seniors too. Are you reaching out to the marketing potential of the mature adult who is fully invested in pet parenthood? At Amintro, our audience are engaged, active, older adults for whom we provide a regular gathering place online to share their stories, their interests and their passions. In turn we provide timely and relevant information of value to older audiences but also to their families and caregivers too. Pet parenthood is booming with boomers – here’s what we know about them.
In one poll on healthy aging, it was reported that more than half (55%) of adults between the ages of 50 – 80 years had a pet and more than half of those had multiple pets. Citing a sense of purpose, a reason to exercise, companionship and even help with pain management as reasons to have a pet, what’s clear is that pet ownership provides a variety of benefits whether for active, or more sedentary older adults. In a study done pre-pandemic, “The profound connection between pet owners and their pets leads three in four pet dog or cat owners to admit that they enjoy buying pet products that pamper their pets.” (1) Further, “aging boomers” are specifically identified as being increasingly more likely to have a pet, something we now know to have only increased these past several years. In 2022, more than 38% of households owned a dog and the dog came out on top as the most popular form of pet ownership in America although we know too that Canadians and Americans are often in sync. (2) Other numbers suggest that Canadians spend an average of almost $2500 on their pets annually and worldwide, the pet clothing market alone is worth an estimated $5 billion dollars. (3) US citizens spend the most on their pets when compared against the global average and if all of these statistics are sounding like you need to market more specifically to North American boomer pet parents – it’s because you should be!
Amintro is a free, social networking app for what we affectionately call EngAgers! Our audience of 50+ older adults, and our soon to be announced sister site for the families who love and care for them, has quickly risen to become the “go to” source for active, engaged, mature adults whose interests range from shared life experiences, bucket list travel adventures, healthy aging and yes, pet ownership too. Our Get Social Magazine provides news and information on a variety of topics and Amintro provides companies with opportunities to host and sponsor webinars with our guaranteed audience of interested seniors.
If you are in the following industries, you need to talk to Amintro:
There are no gimmicks at Amintro. Our founding principle was to create a safe space for mature adults to make new friends and live life and that remains our focus. We do this with the support of companies like yours who are interested in providing information of value to our targeted audience and what’s more closely related to making new friends than bonding with a new friend over pets, or for that matter, bonding with a new friend – a pet friend! If you’d like to learn more about working with Amintro, contact a member of our team today at https://partners.amintro.com/ and check out our list of preferred partners who have already made the decision to be a part of the Amintro family at https://partners.amintro.com/amintro-partners. Let’s talk Pets and Partnerships!
(1) https://www.packagedfacts.com/Pet-Population-Ownership-10858348/
(2) https://www.oakhurstvet.com/blog/our-predictions-for-the-most-popular-pets-in-2022/
(3) https://petkeen.com/pet-spending-statistics/