No doubt, if you are in the home renovation business, you are well aware of the “Covid Effect” on your business. That is - the impact that our prolonged experience with the pandemic has left many people looking for vacation alternatives, opting for “Staycations” instead. While this has been a boost to home contractors everywhere as folks upgrade to home theatres and create backyard oasis like gardens; we wonder if renovators, home improvement retailers, painters and paint manufacturers, outdoor garden, pool and landscape contractors and hardware stores are paying attention to an even larger untapped market, one that has been around for awhile? The baby boomer generation is booming. To quote Dylan Thomas, they are not going gently “into that good night,” but rather – are raging “against the dying of the light.” Boomers are renovating their homes with a vengeance, determined to age in place in the neighbourhood they love and in the home where their best memories were made.
According to a Houzz survey, to which more than 87,000 Americans responded, “baby boomers are still the primary drivers of the home renovation market.” While this survey was completed just before the true impact of the pandemic was felt, “subsequent surveys have shown….that maintenance and repairs (continue to be) more likely to proceed” unabated. Additional research suggests, “the majority of baby boomers are determined to stay in their own homes …and they’re investing in renovations for both comfort and leisure.” The rooms most likely to be renovated by boomers are bathrooms and kitchens and because they are often living in dated, older homes, renovating these two rooms creates instant opportunities for more open, light-filled living spaces. These are also the two locations where needed (or potentially needed) modifications are best suited to allow seniors to age in place safely and gracefully. Amintro, an app that brings like-minded people who are 50+ and those who love them together, boasts a massive audience of boomers that you might just want to consider a prime audience to direct your marketing and advertising efforts towards.
In line with Americans, Canadian baby boomers are also looking for spa bathroom retreats and updated kitchens too. Additionally, it appears not all boomers are retired and many are seeking a home office space that is both “functional and aesthetically pleasing.” Some are also looking to transform their kid’s bedrooms into specific spaces for crafting, a workshop, a ZEN yoga retreat or a home gym. Research tells us too that still others are looking to build up a passive income stream with a complete basement renovation or an addition to the home that can be rented out providing a steady stream of income throughout their retirement years. Finally, according to at least one online source, “whimsy leads the way in Baby Boomer construction trends in 2021-2022 (and beyond.)” Boomers are looking to turn their homes into “playgrounds” with man-caves, she-sheds, home theatres and tiki-bars often topping the list of requested renovations. Clearly, if you are in the renovation business, you need to be a part of serving this massive community of older adults seeking to upgrade their living space!
The Canadian government notes that as of 2020, 18% of Canadians were aged 65+, a number that will continue to grow over the next twenty years. American statistics are similar with about 21% of the population being considered “seniors.” It’s a vast market place of older adults who want, or may eventually need, renovations to the family home to enable their desire to age in place. It’s clearly a market that specialists in home improvement, repairs and renovations need to tap into. The Amintro team is ready to speak with you about how our purpose-driven and popular app is a valuable resource for the 50+ consumer who is looking for trusted resources of information on a wide range of topics of interest. Ask us how we can support your business, product or service in gaining access to our audience in unique ways. These might include hosting webinars on simple home repairs, painting tips and techniques or on how to hire a reputable contractor. Be a part of the “booming boomer” renovation and repair industry and call Amintro today!