Baby Boomers know. They rode the first wave of the cannabis high, de-stigmatizing its use in the 1960’s and 70’s. Now, as some of those same folks approach their 70’s, they’re looking for new ways to incorporate the use of cannabis into their current lifestyle; whether for medicinal purposes, to manage chronic pain or simply as an alternative method of relaxing and enjoying their hard-earned retirement and leisure time. That pot is now legal in a number of areas makes it more accessible than ever before. Targeting a cannabis marketing campaign to the senior audience just makes good sense. Amintro can help to ensure you don’t miss out on this significant portion of end users with exclusive access to our platform and audience of connected, like-minded people who are 50+. These are active, social and engaged senior citizens, who are once again looking to end an era of stigma – that is, the stigma sometimes associated with being a “senior.”
Boomers are driving the marketplace right now. They have money, they are tech-savvy (just ask the users on our platform) and most of all, they don’t think of themselves as “old.” Boomers are using Amintro to form social connections with friends from across North America. Amintro invites people to “connect and get social,” and to “build lasting friendships” while sharing life experiences with one another both on and offline. Let’s talk about how you can utilize our network to reach out not only to the 50+ consumer but also those who care about them.
With many US states and some Canadian provinces legalizing use and access to cannabis, seniors are indulging more regularly. The Journal of the American Medical Association tells us that cannabis “use has been steadily increasing,” and the AARP has endorsed the use of medical marijuana. The 50+ user is now considered to be the fastest growing market of cannabis users and many of them are new users – people who previously “would never touch an illegal drug (and) are now trying.” Finally, a study published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine “followed almost three thousand patients, (concluding) that cannabis use can be safe and effective for seniors.” These findings all lend support to the legitimacy of marijuana use amongst older adults, whether they are familiar with cannabis or trying it for the very first time.
A CNN report from February of 2020 suggests that while some seniors are still choosing to smoke marijuana, many more are using it in different ways. Edibles are on the rise with THC being included as an ingredient in gummies for example, a treat that some seniors are using to help ensure a good nights sleep. Both THC and CBD can also now be found in topical creams to be used as joint pain relief and is also found in gels, oils and in capsule form too. Baking it into brownies is actually still a thing and in those states where it’s legal, you’ll even find chocolate bars containing cannabis. In other words, if you’re in the business of marketing cannabis and not reaching out to the boomer generation, you are missing out on potential business.
Amintro has partnered with a number of agencies, platforms and services specifically catering to 50+ consumers. We offer them a targeted senior market with Amintronians aged 50 to 99! Not only have we created a platform that offers instant access to this broad base of informed consumers, but its’ Get Social e-magazine is regularly used by their 40+ and 50+ children too – families who love the senior in their life and who are looking for ways to enhance quality of life. Corporate sponsors who engage with Amintro benefit from a captive audience who want to know more about your products. Cannabis consumption is on the rise; statistics don’t lie. Ask us how you can become an Amintro partner, with access to a tech-savvy, social media network of like-minded seniors, looking for tips, tools and strategies on cannabis use.